Polish publications
Might & Magic (Magia i Miecz):Note: M&M is the house magazine of Poland's WFRP publisher. GW sold the exclusive copyright in Poland for this game to this company. #04/94 - Element of Risk (WD reprint) #04/94 - No Psychos Needed (WD reprint) #04/94 - Hand of Fate (WD reprint) #06/94 - The Flying Gardens of Bahb-Elonn (WD reprint) #07/94 - Wardancers (WD reprint) #07/94 - Oops! (WD reprint) #07/94 - Practice makes perfect (WD reprint) #07/94 - Out of the Garden (WD reprint) #07/94 - Isle of Winds (?) fantasy novel placed in the Old World #01/95 - Technical Science in the Old World (pp.17-19) thoughts on historic and present technical development #02/95 - Dragons in WFRP (pp.6-7) three new kinds of dragons for WFRP #02/95 - Fighting Chaos (pp.8-9) Q&A plus error corrections for WFRP #02/95 - Noblesse (WD reprint) #02/95 - Daemons of Khorne (pp.16-17) four different demons of Khorne #03/95 - Magic Items (WD reprint) #03/95 - Fighting Chaos (p.9) Corrections and Q&A for WFRP #03/95 - Daemons of Nurgle (pp.10-12) four different demons of Nurgle #03/95 - The Vermillion Pawn (WD reprint) #04/95 - Daemons of Slaanesh (pp.6-8) three different Slaaneshi demons #04/95 - Bar Room Brawl (WD reprint) #04/95 - Fighting Chaos (pp.15-16) Q&A plus error corrections for WFRP #05/95 - Fighting Chaos (p.7) Q&A for WFRP #05/95 - Fimir (WD reprint) #05/95 - Daemons of Tzeentch (pp.17-19) four different demons of Tzeentch #06/95 - Fighting Chaos (p.7) Q&A for WFRP #06/95 - Chaos Magic (pp.8-10) twelve spells for the followers of Chaos #06/95 - The Last Trading Post (pp.14-23) scenario #7-8/95 - Fighting Chaos (p.6) Q&A plus error corrections for WFRP #7-8/95 - Magic and Spellcasters (pp.7-8) some more background on magic #09/95 - Fighting Chaos (p.11) Q&A for WFRP #09/95 - Dirty, Ugly and Green...(pp.12-21) scenario #10/95 - Fighting Chaos (p.9) four new careers for WFRP #10/95 - Skaven (pp.??-??) WD #119 reprint #11/95 - Fighting Chaos (p.7) Q&A #11/95 - Golden Klaus (pp.8-15) scenario #11/95 - On the Boil (pp.??-??) WD reprint #12/95 - Missile Critical hits table (pp.??-??) WD reprint #12/95 - On the Boil - part two (pp.??-??) WD reprint #12/95 - Skaven's Claw (pp.??-??) WD reprint #01/96 - Morglum's Marauders (pp.32-40) WD reprint #01/96 - Social Status (pp.42-49) WD reprint #02/96 - Letters from a Foreign Land (pp.50-59) WD reprint #03/96 - Witch Elves from Naggaroth (pp.10-15) WD reprint #03/96 - Dark Elves (pp.16-17) a new race plus the Corsair career #06/96 - We like Illusionsists, too! (pp.57-59) sixteen new spells for Illusionary magic #06/96 - Warhammer Mix (pp.60-61) different arrow types & an alternative way of character creation #06/96 - Shadows over the Old World (pp.62-65) background article #07-08/96 - Ironstone Pass (pp.34-41) WD reprint #07-08/96 - The Wizard's Son (pp.86-95) WD reprint #09/96 - Warhammer storytelling (pp.8-11) background article #09/96 - Pit Fighting (pp.12-15) reprint from WWI #57 #10/96 - Zmaganta z Chaosem (pp.26-27) questions and answers for WFRP #10/96 - Small animals in WFRP (pp.28-30) seven creatures and a spell #10/96 - Wolfman (pp.31-35) a new career #01/97 - The Reavers and the Dead (Boxtree reprint) (pp.50-56) short story reprinted from 'Ignorant Armies' anthology #01/97 - Gunsmith (p.57) new career #01/97 - Children of the Night (pp.58-61) background on vampires in WFRP, including three new vampire 'careers' #02/97 - Talking about the Tough (pp.18-19) strong NPCs for your campaign #02/97 - Albion - part one (pp.24-27) article on Albion country, races, creatures #02/97 - Spaczen (pp.28-30) background of Skaven #03/97 - Albion - part two (pp.49-52) description of Albion society #03/97 - Szczypta Tego I Owego (pp.53-57) article #04/97 - Albion - part three (pp.18-21) description on Albion culture and country #04/97 - Skaven Mutants (pp.22-23) article about Skaven Chaos mutants #04/97 - Inquisitor (p.23) new career #05-06/97 - Greenskin Heroes (pp.18-22) Goblinoid PC's #05-06/97 - Erin - part one (pp.23-25) description on Erin (counterpart of Ireland) culture and country #07-08/97 - Erin - part two (pp.27-31) description on Erin culture and country #07-08/97 - Holy Knights, Pagan Days - part one (pp.33-40) WS #03 reprint #07-08/97 - Bohaterowie Do Wynajecia (pp.50-51) an NPC for use in WFRP #09/97 - Holy Knights, Pagan Days - part two (pp.12-19) WS #04 reprint #09/97 - Templars of Sigmar (pp.20-21) WS #03 reprint #09/97 - Erin - part III (pp.22-25) description on Erin culture and country #12/97 - Senne Widziadlo (pp.65-71) scenario #01/98 - The Tower of Good Omen (pp.25-28) description of a temple of Manaan on an island near Bilbali together with a fourth level priest NPC #01/98 - Frutti di Mare (pp.29-32) six new sea monsters for use in WFRP #03/98 - Bows and Elves (pp.59-60) new rule system for arrow shooting #03/98 - Bazar (pp.60-62) three new careers, and nine skills (new and modified ones) #03/98 - Bard (pp.63-67) a powermonger Bard career with songs, magic items #04/98 - Glory to the Heroes (pp.20-23) rule system for glory in WFRP #04/98 - Bazar (p.31) some additions on the 'Bazar' article in M&M #03/98 #04/98 - La Frontiera (pp.32-35) scenario set in Estalia #04/98 - Kingdoms of Estalia (pp.70-73) description of the Estalian Kingdoms with colorful map and a gazetteer #05/98 - From the Diary of an Alchemist (pp.24-32) supplement describing Alchemist magic and rules #05/98 - Errata (p.32) fixing some leaks in the Bard and Inn-keeper career #05/98 - Puszka Pandory (pp.47-48) short introduction of Lizardmen into WFRP #06/98 - Marked by Chaos (pp.19-32) table of Chaos mutations taken from RoC (Slaves to Darkness) (WD reprint) #07-08/98 - Ritual of Restoring (pp.25-34) scenario for WFRP and WFB #09/98 - Blood at the sea shore (pp.44-47) scenario set in Norsca #09/98 - Thing of use on the road (pp.47-49) small episode about Halfling journeys (food) #09/98 - Until Dawn (pp.49-51) short scenario about the PCs being hunted #09/98 - Library of Gerhard von Shergenbrabdt (pp.51-53) fourteen new spells #10/98 - Palace of Voices (pp.40-45) scenario about an old Kislevite manor #11/98 - Living Silver (pp.58-65) scenario about the PCs escorting a child from Delberz to Middenheim #12/98 - Notes for Clerics of Morr I(pp.51-52) new spells and spell ingredient replacements for Morr's priests #12/98 - Tale of Vengeance (pp.53-59) scenario about a dead werewolf taking vengeance #12/98 - Landsknecht (p.60) a new advanced career #01/99 - Another glance at mutants (pp.47-48) how to use mutants in your campaign #01/99 - Autumn Tale (pp.49-50) background article on how to lend a darker tone to your WFRP campaign #02/99 - What's The Difference Between Steed an Saddle-Horse (pp.56-58) article on horses #02/99 - Mental Diseases in the Warhammer World (pp.58-61) article about insanities and disorders #03/99 - Sea Tales (pp.53-58) background to enrich a sea-based campaign #03/99 - The Shield: Last Chance of Rescue (pp.58-59) set of rules for using shields #03/99 - Deep Inside (p.60) view on various aspects of Warhammer society #03/99 - Old World Atlas: The Albion Isles (p.61) WD reprint: map of the Albion Isles #04/99 - Ogrem I Miechem (pp.55-57) #04/99 - Pod Ziemia W Kucki (pp.58-60) #04/99 - Menu Dla Zabojcow Trolli (pp.60-61) #04/99 - "U Cecylii" Inn (pp.62-63) #05/99 - Shadows Of The Past, Or The Glamour Of Glory (pp.57-63) epic adventure #06/99 - Pilgrimage... (pp.50-54) WFRP/WFB crossover adventure set in Araby #06/99 - Marienburg: The Suiddock and The Pelican's Perch (pp.55-61) WD #119 reprint #07-08/99 - Some Words On Women (pp.42-43) background article on how to handle women characters in WFRP #07-08/99 - Wood Elves - One More Time (pp.44-45) Wood Elves in WFRP #07-08/99 - Elven Settlements (pp.46-47) What the title says... #07-08/99 - For The Unemployed (pp.48-49) three new careers for WFRP: Avenger Monk, Halfling Assassin, Messenger #07-08/99 - Autumn Tale - Heroes Of The Old World (pp.50-52) differences between Humans and Non-Humans #09/99 - Jesienna gaweda (pp.61-63) #09/99 - Kowal Run (pp.63-65) the Dwarven runesmith career #09/99 - Wystarczy Miec Dusze Szeroko Otwrta... (pp.66-69) #10/99 - Krasnoludologia (pp.68-71) #10/99 - Ukryta Tozsamosc (pp.71-73) scenario #11/99 - Notes for Clerics of Morr II (pp.45-47) new spell and rules for clerics of Morr #11/99 - Menu dla Zabojcow Trolli (pp.48-50) NPCs #11/99 - De Venatoribus Veneficaris - O Lowcach Czarownic (pp.50-52) #11/99 - Czarci Mlyn (pp.61-66) scenario #12/99 - Wszyscy maja Wrogow (pp.64-69) scenario #12/99 - Sprawa Rufghera (pp.70-74) scenario #12/99 - Panteon Elfich Bogow: Undo'miel (pp.75-77) description of an Elfish deity #01/00 - Warhammerowe Drobiazgi (pp.64-65) house rules for WFRP #01/00 - Halflingi w Armii Imperium (pp.66-67) four new careers #01/00 - Zimne Serca (pp.70-76) scenario #02/00 - Literatura Klasyczna A Gry Fabularne (pp.35-44) general article about classic literature used in RPGs that features an NPC for WFRP #02/00 - Adamnan Na Brionha (pp.62-63) background article about that Elfen war dancer deity #03/00 - Dalej Sa Tylko Smoki (pp.74-76) background article on dragons |
#01/94 - Never call a wolf in the forest (pp.19-27) scenario #02/95 - Night of Mystery (WD reprint) solo adventure #03/96 - In the fangs of the Lion (pp.90-101) scenario #03/96 - Shadows of the past (pp.102-120) scenario #05/99 - Biala Cerkiew (pp.2-8) #05/99 - Mroczny Dar (pp.9-24) #05/99 - Wigilijna Opowiesc (pp.25-28) #05/99 - Sroka (pp.29-41) #05/99 - Kto Porwal Dziecko? (pp.42-50) #05/99 - Joarsden (pp.51-62) #05/99 - Pan Na Zamku Mgiel (pp.63-69) #05/99 - Kaplani W Starym Swiecie (pp.70-73) #05/99 - Bazar (pp.74-76) #05/99 - The Library of Gerhard von Shergenbrabdt (pp.77-79) |
Nowy Talizman:
#04/95 - Cosa Nostra (pp.58-67) Miragliano scenario #05/96 - All the Mayor's Men (pp.34-41) scenario
maintained by Oliver Rosenkranz (o.rosenkranz@estensis.de) last update: 21st of September 2001 |