
German publications


Address: Fantasy Productions GmbH, Postfach 1416, 40674 Erkrath, Germany
web page: http://www.fanpro.com/
email address: wuwe@fanpro.com

#16 - Eagle of Prey, Eagle of Hate (pp.30-51) (CB reprint)
#28 - Chaos Never Sleeps (pp.42-44)
	a retrospective of 10 years WFRP
#28 - WunderWelten interview (pp.45-46)
	with James Wallis & Graeme Davis
#37 - Lyran's Curse (pp.57-64)
	ghost story adventure


#15 - Warhammer on the internet (p.36)
	introduction of web sites and other locations holding material
	for WFRP

Nomad World Adventures:

Note: This German fanzine was formerly known as "ZLR e.V. Adventures". When the magazine title changed, the issue count began with number one again, but until now, no material for WFRP appeared in the 'new' magazine, so the issue number presented below represent the older magazines.
web page: http://home.rhein-zeitung.de/~wnied/Adventures.htm
email address: mnied@rz-online.de

#01 - Jailer (pp.??-??)
	a story for WFRP
#01 - The Inquisition (pp.??-??)
	background information for the Warhammer world

Fantastic Adventure:

Address: Games In Verlag, Karl-Heinz Strietzel, Karlstr.43, 80333 Muenchen, Germany
web page: http://www.truant.com/
email address: viva@truant.com

#01 - The Third Pit (pp.45-52)
#02 - The Witchhunter and the yokels - or the story of Teufelfeuer (pp.19-25)
#03 - The Oracle of Karak-Norn (pp.7-14)
	location setting for a scenario in a later issue


Address: FZ Werbung Hannover, Schierholzstrasse 33, 30655 Hannover, Germany
web address: http://www.envoyer.de
email address: info@envoyer.de
Note: In the hope to push the publisher of this fan-magazine into publishing 'real' articles for WFRP, the review articles were included here.

12/98 - From The Emperor's Archives (pp.16-18)
	review of the German edition of the WFRP supplement WCMP
10/99 - System Summary: Warhammer (pp.51-54)
	short summary of the WFRP background
11/99 - TEW - The Power Behind the Throne (pp.17-21)
	review of the German edition of PBT ("Die Graue Eminenz")

Rollenspiel Rundschreiben:

Adress: Rollenspiel Rundschreiben, c/o Karl-Heinz Zapf, Roentgenstrasse 7, 86199 Augsburg, Germany
web address: http://www.ass.augsburg.net/
Note: This is a German rpg club fanzine.

#60 - Bloody Snow (inlay, pp.1-8)
	scenario about the PCs visiting a castle during the winter that is
	plagued by a werewolf

maintained by Oliver Rosenkranz (o.rosenkranz@estensis.de)
last update: 21st of September 2001