Canonical List of Famous Last Words

(roleplaying : fantasy and sf)

Hundreds of brave characters lost their lives during thousands of roleplaying sessions leaving us their last words. We'll never forget them. Rest in peace.

last change: 07-27-00

collected by Oliver Rosenkranz
converted to html format by S A Rudy

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This 'Canonical List of Famous Last Words' is moderated by Oliver Rosenkranz ( or Please send your requests, questions, corrections & NEW famous last words to him via e-mail.

Everybody who sends NEW famous last words (roleplay ONLY) will find his/her name being added to the List of Authors.

NOTE: If you send FLWs to me via email, please do it in English (or in German - it will be translated before appearing on the list).

If you want to translate this list to other languages, then please look at first, if such a translation already exists and then get in contact with me.

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You can now always get the newest version of this list if you have WWW access (see below) or by sending an email request to an email server at my site (see next section).

For WWW access, the URL to browse to is:   -   (Homepage)   -   (text file)

Please read the relevant FAQs in the relevant newsgroups if you don't know what WWW is or how you gain access to it. Or ask your local system administrator/ WWW guru / whatever expert you can find, you'll save my time, thank you!

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How to get the flw list automatically via email?

In order to receive a new version of the flw list, please send email to !

Important: please write "flw: request" as the subject line of your email. This is essential because the mail will be processed by an automatic mail server !!!

write this to the mail body :
help - to receive the help file
index - to receive the index of what kind of files may be ordered
send flw - to receive this list

Please do not include new famous last words in these emails because they will be automatically go to /dev/null after being processed.

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Sometimes pairs of similar FLWs are found in the list. One of those will be deleted and replaced by another FLW. To let you know that there is a new one at this specific position, the indices of those replacements are written down here :
549* 419* 378*
*not a replaced double, but a new one which sounds little bit different from the old one
(only the changes in relation to the last published version)

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title page | authors
0001-0250 | 0251-0500
0501-0750 | 0751-1000
1001-1250 | 1251-1500
text-only version
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This page was coded and designed by S A Rudy. You can find out more about her at S A Rudy's Simple, Yet Functional  Homepage.

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