Italian publications
Kaos is published by Nexus which owns the exclusive rights for
WFRP in Italy. According to Nexus' managing director, no non-
italian subscriptions are done (yet) but back issues may be.
#04 - Scende La Notte (pp.34-41) adventure #17 - Il Volto del Caos (WD reprint) (pp.62-63) short story #18 - Warhammer - Note dei Progettisti (WD reprint) (pp.60-62) #18 - Goblinoid Survival Guide not too WFRP specific, though funny #20 - Night of Blood (WD reprint) (pp.43-48) #21 - WH40K <-> WFRP conversion rules (pp.41-50) #22 - A Friend in Need (WD reprint - On The Road) (p.41) #23 - The Seeds of Evil (pp.42-50) WFRP-WH40K cross-over adventure #24 - WH40K <-> WFRP conversion rules II (pp.43-48) #26 - Emmaretta (WD reprint - On The Road) (p.20) #27 - Hand of Fate (WD reprint) #28 - The Affair of the Hidden Jewel (WD reprint) (pp.14-22) #29 - Onwards & Upwards (WD reprint) #32 - No Psychos Needed I (WD reprint) (pp.19-20) #33 - No Psychos Needed II (WD reprint) (pp.18-19) #34 - No Psychos Needed III (WD reprint) (pp.30-31) #34 - L'Isola di Fuoco (pp.20-23) adventure #35 - Wardancers I (WD reprint) (pp.16-19) #36 - Wardancers II (WD reprint) (pp.17-19) #37 - The Naked Dwarf! (pp.28-29) optional rules for dwarves #37 - Boh! (p.55) questions and answers #38 - Gotrek & Felix (WD reprint) (pp.26-27) character descriptions #39 - Vampires of the Old World (pp.26-28) including a character description of Genevieve Undead (WD reprint) #41 - I Seguaci della Luce Oscura (pp.20-24) adventure #43 - Forgiati dal Caos (partially RoC reprint) (pp.30-32) #45 - Light and Shadow (pp.20-25) adventure #54 - Per Le Vie Di Luccini (pp.25-28) encounters and tavern food in Luccini #59 - Creature dallo Warp (pp.44-46) short scenario |
X is published by Nexus which owns the exclusive rights for
WFRP in Italy. According to Nexus' managing director, no non-
italian subscriptions are done (yet) but back issues may be.
#01 - The Death in Mask (pp.26-33) scenario #01 - Intrighi e Battaglie (pp.34-41) rules for conversion of WFRP characters to WFB and vice-versa #02 - Spiked, Tatooed and Downright Mean (PYR reprint) (pp.22-25) article about Dwarven Slayers from PYR #25 #03 - Peste a Luccini (pp.26-39) scenario |
Avventure Fantasy Nel Cupo Mondo Di Warhammer (Warhammer Partwork):Note: This zine has a total of 4 volumes, each of them containing seven issues (vol 1: issues 1-7, vol 2: issues 8-14, vol 3: issues 15-21, vol4: issues 22-28). Almost each issue has some pages ready to be ripped out. These pages are meant when the word 'insert' appears. volume 01 - Felix and Gotrek
Even though most of the material is reprinted from other sources,
most artwork of these heavily illustrated texts is new.
#01 - Geheimnisnacht (pp.3-20) reprint of the short story from a Warhammer Novel #01 - The People I (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Le Sottorazze Degli Uomini * La Mappa Del Catai Imperiale * La Forza Di Un Popolo Giovane #01 - The World I (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Il Mondo Conosciuto * Il Giro Del Mondo * Le Origini Del Mondo #01 - Warhammer Adventures rule set (extra booklet) rules for a WFB 1-like skirmish game with extra cards and floormaps plus a ready to run scenario #02 - Wolfriders I (pp.21-40) first part of a short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #02 - Religion I (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Una Famiglia Di Simboli * I Roghi Piu Recenti * La Religiosita Nel Vecchio Mondo #02 - Magic I (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * I Molti Aspetti Della Magia * Oltre La Magia * L'Energia Che Porta Av Anti Il Mondo #02 - Warhammer Adventures II (extra pages) further cards and symbols for the Warhammer Adventures game #03 - Wolfriders II (pp.41-60) second part of a short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #03 - The People II (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Le Quattro Stirpi Degli Elfi * Se Non Stai Buono Ti Taglio Le Orecchie * L'Equilibrio Degli Opposti #03 - The World II (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Cronologia Del Mondo Conosciuto * Il Calendario Dell'Imperio * La Storia E Una Serre #03 - Warhammer Adventures III (extra pages) further floormaps and cards for the Warhammer Adventures game #04 - The Dark Beneath The World I (pp.61-80) first part of a short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #04 - Scenario II: The Dark Beneath The World (insertion: 2 pages) Warhammer Adventures game scenario #04 - Scenario III: Tra Due Fuochi (insertion: 2 pages) Warhammer Adventures game scenario #04 - Warhammer Adventures IV (extra pages) further cars and symbols of the Warhammer Adventures game #05 - The Dark Beneath The World II (pp.81-100) second part of a short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #05 - Religion II (insertion: 2 pages) four short articles: * L'Inferno Di Khaine * La Nascita Di Manann * Il Ladro Di Anime * Inno A Manann #05 - The World III (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Il Mangiatore Di Vermi * La Terra Dei Fiordi * La Terra Del Vino #05 - Warhammer Adventures V (extra pages) further floormaps, cards and symbols for the Warhammer Adventures game #06 - Skaven's Claw I (pp.101-124) first part of a WD short story reprint #06 - Warhammer Adventures VI (extra pages) further cards and floormaps for the Warhammer Adventures game #07 - Skaven's Claw II (pp.125-146) second part of a WD short story reprint #07 - Warhammer Adventures VII (extra pages) further floormaps for the Warhammer Adventures game #08 - Red Thirst I (p.1-20) first part of a short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #08 - The People III (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Mai Invadere Una Foresta Degli Elfi * Il Mistero Di Una Lingua Vivo * Io Guardo Le Foglie #08 - Religion III (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * La Prima Notte Che Sorse Morrslieb * Myrmidia * Morr, il Signore dell'oltre Tomba #08 - Warhammer Adventures VIII (extra pages) further floormaps, cards and symbols for the Warhammer Adventures game #09 - Red Thirst II (pp.21-40) second part of a short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #09 - Magic II (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * La Fondazione Dei Collegi * L'Arcano Sapere del Collegio Celestiale * I Collegi Della Magia #09 - The World IV (insertion: 2 pages) four short articles: * Viaggio Nel Kislev * La Grande Occasione dei Gospodari * La Maledizione di Praag * Kislev, Kislev! (war chant) #09 - Warhammer Adventures IX (extra pages) paper models of two houses for the Warhammer Adventures game for use with Scenario V #10 - Red Thirst III (pp.41-60) third part of a short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #10 - Scenario IV: La Magica Pietra (insertion: 2 pages) Warhammer Adventures game scenario #10 - Scenario V: Le Vestigia degli Avi (insertion: 2pages) Warhammer Adventures game scenario #10 - Warhammer Adventures X (extra pages) paper model of a castle tower for the Warhammer Adventures game for use with scenario IV #11 - Ignorant Armies I (pp.61-80) first part of a short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #11 - The People IV (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * La Morte e il Loro Mestiere * L'Epoca delle Sciagure * A Vessero versato il mio Sangue #11 - Religion IV (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Il Falco e il Petti Rosso * La Piet a Divina * Quattro Dei in Uno #12 - Ignorant Armies II (pp.81-100) second part of a short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #12 - The World V (insertion: 2 pages) two short articles: * La Storia di una Vasta Nazione * Le Molte Genti dell'Impero #12 - The People V (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * In Ani Che Cedettero al Caos * Nella Terra del Fumo * Come si e spento il Sole Laggiu? #13 - Laughter of the Dark Gods (pp.101-120) short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #13 - Magic III (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * I Maghi piu forti del Mondo * Il Sommo sa Grificio degli Stregoni * I Libri Della Magia #13 - Religion V (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Il Mito di Sigmar * Il Possente Vol Ere Di Taal * Ho Visto con gliocchi del Lupo #14 - Cry of the Beast (pp.121-138) short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #14 - The World VI (insertion: 2 pages) four short articles: * Il Carrarmato Imperiale * Le Molte Terre dell'Imperio * I Lapilli di Eckhardt von Marienburg * La Mattina della Sfilata #14 - The People VI (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Come nac quero i Mezzuomini * La Lettera di un Nonno * Non Siamo Mezzi Uomini #15 - The Reavers and the Dead (pp.1-20) short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #15 - Religion VI (insertion: 2 pages) four short articles: * Il Possente Dio della Guerra * In Nome di Ulric * I Simboli della Saggia Verena * Preghiera a Verena #15 - The World VII (insertion: 2 pages) four short articles: * La Terra piu Bella che Cisia * Il Giuramento di un Chevalier d'Honneur * Una Visita a Corte * La Citta Marcia #16 - Apprentice Luck (pp.21-40) short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #16 - The People VII (insertion: 2 pages) four short articles: * Le Molte Razze dei pelle Verde * I Cacciatori di Squig * Le Molte Definizioni di Civilta * Il Ciccione delle Montagne Nebbiose #16 - Religion VII (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * I Seguaci dell'Antica Fede * La Bestia che Impossesso di Gabriele * I Luoghi Arcani dell'Anitca Fede #17 - The Phantom of Yremy (pp.41-64) short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #18 - The Spells Below (pp.65-88) short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #19 - No Gold in the Grey Mountains (pp.89-108) short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #19 - The People VIII (insertion: 2 pages) four short articles: * Gli Abitanti delle Paludi * I Presunti Apportatori di Peste * Il Marcio che Avanza * La Superficie delle Cose #19 - Religion VIII (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * A Propria Immagine e Somiglianza * Inno a Liadriel * A Passeggio per il Mondo #20 - The Song (pp.109-128) short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #20 - Magic IV (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Studi Occulti e Corpi Decadenti * Il Primo Negromante * Invocando il Negromante #20 - The World VIII (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Le Citta Stato della Tilea * Le Leggi dei Pirati * Il Pifferaio di Altdorf #21 - The Way of the Witchfinder (pp.129-138) short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #21 - Magic V (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Glio Scuripo Teri dei Monoliti * La Lingua del Caos * Senza Leggerne un Rigo #21 - The People IX (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * L'Impero Degli Slann * Lustria, Terra di Mera Viglie * Per Aprire Nuovi Orizonti #21 - The World IX (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * I Regni dell'Estalia * Il Crociato * La Notte delle Maschere #21 - Religion IX (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * I Molti Dei del Caos * Le Origini del Mondo * Verso l'Immoto Perpetuo #21 - The People X (insertion: 2 pages) five short articles: * Viene il Fomoro e Ti Porta Via * Al Servizio dei Nuovi Slann * Sangue Misto e Illegalita * Grandi, Grossi e Gnoccoloni * Il Peggiore tra gli Uomini Bestia #21 - Religion X (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Le Orde di Khorne * Tempo di Uccidere * Le Fucine di Khorne #22 - The Tilean Rat (pp.1-20) short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #22 - The World X (insertion: 2 pages) four short articles: * I Principati di Confine * Fuggo nei Principati di Confine * Un Luogo senza Storia * Come le Mare e sulla Costa #22 - The World XI (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * La Corona del Negromante * La Terra dei Pelle Verde * Ai Confini con le Male Terre #23 - A Gardener in Parravon (pp.21-40) short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #23 - The People XI (insertion: 2 pages) five short articles: * Il Potere dei Veri Nomi * La Natura dei Demoni * Vieni a Me * In un solo Boccone * La Casa del Demonologo #23 - Religion XI (insertion: 2 pages) four short articles: * Il Signore del Piacere * L'Incontro dei due Dei * Nella Vallata di Slaanesh * Un Tempio del Dio del Piacere #24 - The Voyage South I (pp.41-64) first part of a short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #25 - The Voyage South II (pp.65-88) second part of a short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #26 - The Star Boat I (pp.89-108) first part of a short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #26 - Magic VI (insertion: 2 pages) four short articles: * La Magia che Viene dal Dentro * Come Divenni uno Sciamano * Quando il Waaagh e con noi * Sotto la Bandiera degli Orchi #26 - The World XII (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Il Porto piu Grande che ho Visto * Il Ponte Sul Fiume Reik * Di Chiariamo Spezzate le catene #27 - The Star Boat II (pp.109-128) second part of a short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #27 - The People XII (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Frugando tra le Rovine * La Legione dei Non-Morti * Le Creature dell'oltre Tomba #27 - The World XIII (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Il Pellegrinaggio a Occidente * Inno all'Ulthuan * La Luna e la Citta #28 - The Light of Transfiguration (pp.129-142) short story reprint from a Warhammer Novel #28 - Magic VII (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * La Magia dei topi Mutanti * Le Pergamente Viventi * La Campana del Dio Ratto #28 - Religion XII (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Il Signore del Mutamento * Le Vie di Tzeentch * Il Libro dei Mille Destini #28 - Religion XIII (insertion: 2 pages) three short articles: * Il Signore di Tutto * La Peggior Notte della Mia Vita * La Cancrena di Nurgle #28 - The World XIV (insertion: 2 pages) four short articles: * La piu Autentica delle Desolazioni * Ancora un Po'piu in Giu * L'Alba del Terrore * Con un Demone nella Lama
maintained by Oliver Rosenkranz (o.rosenkranz@estensis.de) last update: 21st of September 2001 |